Everything You Need to Know about Clicklease’s Early Purchase Option

Fear of commitment is one of the biggest sticking points for small business customers as they decide how they’re going to afford the equipment they need.

To make it a little easier for you to close the sale, we’re launching a new Early Purchase Option that gives customers the option to end their lease early any time in the first 5 months of the lease term. It’s one more tool we’re providing to help customers make the decision that works best for them.

There’s no cost to you. Here’s how it works.

  1. All your customers will automatically be offered the Early Purchase Option in their lease agreement.
  2. The customer completes all the usual paperwork, you submit an invoice and get funded the full amount.
  3. The customer makes their regularly scheduled payments.
  4. At any point in the first 5 months of their lease, the customer can decide to take advantage of the Early Purchase Option.
  5. The customer makes one final payment equal to the invoiced amount and their lease is closed as paid in full. They’re welcome to come back to your store to make another purchase.

There you have it. 5 steps and 5 months to take advantage of the Clicklease Early Purchase Option. It’s one more arrow in your quiver to make it easier to sell more equipment and say yes to more customers.


Learn More:

DOWNLOAD THE SELLER GUIDE – What you need to know about offering the Early Purchase Option.

DOWNLOAD THE BUYER GUIDE – A quick overview of the program for your customers.

DOWNLOAD ADVERTISING MATERIALS – Banners, logos, and social media images to help you advertise Clicklease.